Boring iPhone 5 Criticisms Are Boring

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Abdel Ibrahim, writing for The Tech Block:

The world’s most successful and enduring products aren’t taken back to formula with each new generation. Rather, they’re gradually and deliberately refined. Take Porsche’s 911, for instance, or any Aston Martin or BMW. Or even Rolex’s watches. None has undergone radical changes overnight. Instead, they’ve been improved in subtle but significant ways over time, and they’ve prospered because of it.

Normally, I’d add a quick comment, but Shawn Blanc summed it up best:

Other than a few of the vocal minority, how many people are genuinely bored or feeling let down with the new iPhone?

The technology and whizbangery the average consumer has available to them today is absolutely amazing. If you’re bored by that, it’s not the iPhone 5 that’s boring, it’s you.