Climate Babe

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Bill Dawson, writing for Texas Climate News, reports on hate mail and veiled threats aimed at Texas Tech University professor, Katharine Hayhoe:

Hate mail in the inbox has been an occupational hazard for climate scientists in the public eye for some time now. Something about their endorsement and explanation of the mainstream scientific view that humans are heating up the earth’s atmosphere elicits that sort of response from certain people who disagree very strongly.

The hate mail has largely been spurred by Rush Limbaugh and other conservatives, dismissing Hayhoe as a “climate babe.” Is this really a surprise? When facts threaten the financial agendas of people like Limbaugh and Jim Inhofe, willful ignorance and ad hominems prove great distractions.

They are like the kid who, when challenged by a classmate, resorts to kicking the shin and yelling “you are a poopy head!” Except now, we are all adults and the bully is threatening harm to those that challenge their way of life. Isn’t it time that we all stand up to the anti-science, hate-filled rhetoric espoused by these talking heads?