Hiking With Google Glass

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Russell Brandom, The Verge, writes about real-world use of Google Glass:

I like the woods. I like the quiet, the green — especially as the summer tunes up and Manhattan starts dripping. And even in New York, the woods are closer than you think. Beacon Mountain is about 60 miles north of the city, only a little over an hour on the Hudson line from Grand Central. That means I can leave my apartment at nine and, even after missing a train or two, be in the woods by noon. I try to make the trek each summer, usually early and usually with enough food to last the whole day. And this time, I brought Google Glass.

Brandom is generally pleased with the experience. Picture and video are okay and he claims the glasses are mostly unobtrusive. While this case represents a great use of Glass, it doesn’t address the creepy factor associated with using the device in crowded, social situations. I think it will take a bit of time for society to decide the acceptable use of wearable computing devices.