I Can See The Future, I Can

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Tony Hanadarko, The Lost Ogle, discusses The Oklahoman’s interview of the three lead television meteorologists following the recent tornadoes. He points out that one is not like the others - Mike Morgan of KFOR:

“I’m a basket case.”

“I’m definitely post-traumatic stress.”

“I can see the future, I can.”

In the real world, if a man wearing a bedazzled tie utters those three sentences to you, it’s probably time to run like hell. In the world of Oklahoma meteorologists, however… well, you still might want to run away, but at least you’ll know if it’s gonna be sunny outside. I mean, the people at the Discovery Channel think Reed Timmer was good tv? If they want a real reality tv star, they’ve got the wrong Channel 4 personality.

As a research meteorologist, I’m always asked what station I watch during severe weather. My answer is usually KFOR, but not for reasons that they might infer. As I recently told KWTV’s always-calm Matt Mahler, KFOR is like a train wreck - I can’t stop watching even though I know it’s wrong.