iPhone Pessimists: 5 Years Later

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Jim Dalrymple, The Loop:

Everyone is writing about the iPhone’s birthday today and how much it changed the industry. That’s all true, but I thought I’d take a different approach and look at some of the iPhone naysayers so we could make fun of them together.

On the iPhone’s birthday, it’s fun to look back at those who expressed confident doubt in Apple’s new phone. In fairness, who knew the iPhone would sell 250 million units and generate $150 billion in revenue in only five short years?

My favorite quote from Dalrymple’s article is from Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer:

[Apple’s iPhone] is the most expensive phone in the world and it doesn’t appeal to business customers because it doesn’t have a keyboard which makes it not a very good email machine… So, I, I kinda look at that and I say, well, I like our strategy. I like it a lot.

I wonder if they still like their strategy?