Richard Nieva, reporting for Fortune:

The author discussed potential plans for expanding the already 630-page book in the future. One possibility is doing an extensively annotated version. Another is writing an addendum that addresses the period surrounding Jobs' death. Fleshing out the details seems like a logical next step, since Isaacson believes the Apple CEO’s story will be told for decades or a century to come. “This is the first or second draft,” he said, referring to his book’s role in documenting Jobs’ life. “It’s not the final draft.”

I guess as the old adage about Apple goes, I shouldn’t have bought Rev A.

Even if this expands, I don’t see the overall quality improving. Most of my complaints with the biography have already been succinctly described by John Siracusa on his Hypercritical podcast. In short, I thought the book was an inspiring tale told in an uninspired voice. As time goes on, the initial rushed and unpolished release of the biography, combined with this news, reeks of nothing more than a money grab from Walter Isaacson and his publisher.