Mister Rogers Defends PBS

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In 1969, Fred Rogers appeared before a Senate Committee - Chaired by John Pastore - to argue against a 50% cut in funding to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) that was proposed by Richard Nixon.

The CPB is allotted $445 million in the FY2013 budget, which totals $3.8 trillion. In other words, CPB - including PBS - accounts for a mere 0.012% of the Federal budget. Don’t you think it worth $12 out of every $100,000 we spend to ensure children, especially those without access to cable television, are guaranteed the educational ideals espoused by Mister Rogers?

I encourage you to watch the video, but mainly I hope Mitt Romney watches it. Politics aside, the initial repayments to the out-of-control spending spree - perpetrated by the “adults” running our country over the past decade - shouldn’t be billed to our children.