Postscript: James Gandolfini

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David Remnick, writing for The New Yorker, recalls an encounter with James Gandolfini during filming of The Sopranos:

Gandolfini was filming a scene in the office of his psychiatrist, Dr. Jennifer Melfi, played by Lorraine Bracco. He was in a foul mood, and, to make matters worse, Bracco was determined to use every means, including a whoopee cushion, to crack him up and destroy the scenes. As he blew take after take, Gandolfini seemed about to launch into a Soprano-level fit. But he kept at it, screaming at himself between takes to bear down, to concentrate. A rare moment on a set when the actor performs not only the role but what is required for it.

Be sure to check out the videos at the end of the article - great stuff.

As I said on Twitter last night, it’s time to re-watch The Sopranos from the start.