Red Bull Gives You Wings

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Felix Baumgartner, following his record-breaking skydive:

Let me tell you - when I was standing there on top of the world, you become so humble. You don’t think about breaking records anymore, you don’t think about gaining scientific data - the only thing that you want is to come back alive.

In case you missed it, Baumgartner ascended for roughly three hours in a special pressurized capsule, lifted by a large helium balloon. Once he reached an altitude of 128,100 feet (over 24 miles), he leapt back to Earth. The descent took nearly ten minutes, during which he reached a maximum velocity of 833.9 miles per hour - making Baumgartner the first skydiver to break the sound barrier. Fittingly, he accomplished the feat on the 65th anniversary of Chuck Yeager becoming the first pilot to travel faster than the speed of sound.

Bad. Ass.