The Trouble With iTunes

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Peter Cohen, writing for iMore, on the awful state of iTunes:

I think it’s time for Apple to look at iTunes and start over with a fresh sheet of paper. Just admit that this horrible thing isn’t working any more and try something entirely new. Ideally, I’d like to see music, apps, and videos broken up into separate utilities.

“Complexity” is a word that describes the iTunes experience to a tee. Hopefully once iOS 7 is out the door, Ive can put his eyes and his best minds to work on the problem of iTunes, because right now it’s embarrassing for Apple to be promoting and distributing this software. It’s the antithesis of what we expect the Apple user experience to be.

Amen. I wrote a similar post last year in which I shared my frustrations with iTunes. Unfortunately, as my buddy Ross Kimes was quoted as saying, the biggest problem with fixing iTunes is having to offer Windows support. Unfortunately, that hasn’t changed yet - leaving iTunes to balloon into a nightmare.