Today In Political Extremism News

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Blue Arkansas Blog1:

Last night, I got the most chilling phone call I have ever received.  It was Jake Burris, Ken Aden’s campaign manager. Last night, Jake and his four kids had come back to their Russellville home.  As they were getting out of the car, one of his children discovered their family cat dead on the front porch. 


Written across the animal’s fur in black marker was the word “LIBERAL“.

Ken Aden is running for the 3rd Congressional District in Arkansas against incumbent Republican, Steve Womack. That “liberal” was written on the cat’s body points to a political motive. I am not painting with a broad brush, but this is a disgusting story that illustrates how some feed on the venom of rhetoric. It is sad that such behavior still exists in 2012. Please keep things in perspective as elections draw near.

(via: Matt Gemmell)

  1. Warning: this post contains a photo of a dead animal. ↩︎