Site Stats: March 2012.


I wanted to share this site’s statistics for March 2012, just as I did for January and February. Visitor information is given for both March and the cumulative totals for 2012. Page views, unique visitors, and international traffic all saw their greatest increases to date.

Most Visited Posts

Most Visited Linked Posts


  • 1,295 page views (8% increase; 3,627 for 2012)
  • 546 unique visitors (357 new to site; 965 for 2012)
  • 93% visits were from U.S., including 40 States + D.C.
  • International traffic included visits from more than 18 countries.


  • Macintosh (64%, up from 62%)
  • Windows (30%, up from 23%)
  • Linux (6%, down from 15%)


  • Chrome (32%, up from 23%)
  • Safari and WebKit (30%, down from 38%)
  • Firefox (18%, down from 19%)
  • Internet Explorer (6%, unchanged)
  • Mobile Safari (2%, up from 1%)
  • Other (12%)

In March, I added pagination to the front, popular, and archive pages - making it easier to go back to older articles. The popular posts page was also trimmed to only show titles, permalinks, and publication dates. This reduced scrolling and made it easier to see a list of the most viewed pages. I also added the site to Google+ and hope to implement auto-posting there soon. Additionally, several “under the hood” improvements were made that aided with speed and reliability.

In April, I intend to add search capabilities and cleaner URLs. I also plan to add a Daring Fireball-ish linked list functionality, which will allow better search and delineation of linked content versus original posts. As usual, design tweaks are always considered. Content for April will include more new product reviews, the story of how I lost 110 lbs., and perhaps a personal announcement. Stay tuned.

Thanks again to everyone who has visited this site. I especially appreciate those who have offered feedback via Facebook, Twitter, and email. The audience is engaging, thoughtful, and eager to discuss disagreements. I look forward to yet another month of sharing. If you have any suggestions or comments, do get in touch.